Friday, February 1, 2008

Beyonce's Irreplaceable... in Spanish (and with a Mexican flare)

Yesterday evening, in my class of Español 4 in the Instituto Cervantes de Manila, the mobile phone of one of my students went off and rang to the tune of Beyonce's latest hit Irreplaceable. I never really liked Beyonce, but this song had come across as a one of her better tunes. And to my surprise, it turns out that the song has a Spanish version!

Upon reaching home, I looked for the song in Youtube; I was more surprised to find out that a Mexican fan had remastered the song and added a dash of the Mexican Norteña style of music. It's refreshing to hear someone as American as Beyonce singing a la mexicana.

Entonces, aquí está: el tema Imprescindible (Irreplaceable) de Beyoncé en español y al estilo norteño...


Anonymous said...

La música norteña, originada en la zona norte (como su nombre lo indica) de México; tiene influencias de la cumbia colombiana. Suena muy bien en español ésta versión que supongo que en español debe llamarse "imprescindible".

Marlon said...

Así es, se llama "Imprescindible." Hasta ahora me cuesta distinguir entre la música norteña y el estilo banda, aunque ambos me suenan chido.

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