Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Holy Week in Seville

The processions we have in Seville, Spain are only some of the many curiosities one can see during the Holy Week in this charming Andalusian city. While most photo blogs would probably give you the basic Cristos and Vírgenes of the Semana Santa, W.A.M. takes it a bit further by offering you glimpses to the goings-on in Sevilla. Enjoy!

Of course in Seville, you have to dress up well on Maundy Thursday. Everyone is so well-dressed: the ladies in their little black dress and mantilla negra, and the men in coat and tie. It some gives you the feeling that they intentionally parade around the city to be seen.

The entire city is converted into a museum... nay, an amphitheatre ready to welcome the annual deluge of tourists.

Bulla is a word that refers to the thousands of people who congregate in Seville to catch the processions. The streets are blocked and no person is allowed to enter the procession route from 1PM to 1AM, so surely you will be caught in one. I was, and ironically I was in a street called Entre Cárceles (Behind Bars).

The banner reads "Center for the Premature Stimulation of Christ of the Good End." It's by a cofradía (religious guild)... and I rest my case.

Of course, no one should leave his house without informing the people where he is. The cofrades, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡¡¡Divertidísimas esas fotos!!! pero te falta la Semana Santa de la humilde Cuenca que se vuelve grandiosa en su "semana grande". El próximo año estás invitado allí para poder hacer tus foticos jeje
Ingat ka ha!

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