Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Confessions of a ceiling addict (Part II)

My junkie search for beautiful Spanish ceilings continues. I have three cathedrals and two palaces in this post. As I have said in a previous post, I always get my fix here in Spain.

The Escorial, Madrid. This is where the Spanish monarchs and their kin are buried. To take this shot, I had to lie on my back on the landing of one of the staircases. Other tourists were looking at me, appalled.

The Alhambra, Granada. I think this was in the Salón de Embajadores or the Sala de Mexuar. The intricate geometric design was executed in accordance to Moslem aesthetics.

Catedral de Córdoba. This magnificent Baroque dome is one of the few Christian pieces in the church. I was awestruck when I took this pic.

Catedral de Salamanca. The most peculiar feature of this ceiling is the bright blue details that adorn each panel. I was told that the color blue in the olden days was hard to reproduce. I am not sure when this ceiling was made, but if it was from the period of Reconquest, props to the artists.

Catedral de Palma de Mallorca. This was in one of the first chapels you could visit upon entering the cathedral. The best part of the church interior, however, is the adoration chapel. Watch out for future posts!

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